
XELESS has been delivering mobile infrastructure solutions for a wide range of applications since 1996. From its headquarters in Germany, XELESS coordinates diverse jobs and projects globally, including but not limited to life support, maintenance and logistics services, installation of drinking water networks, wastewater systems, temporary living quarters and sanitary camps.

Since the middle of the 1990’s, our service is known in quarters of our NATO, US DOD, DOS clients and our numerous private clients, ranging from LOGCAP prime contractors to minor enterprises relying on XELESS’s rapid deployment, turnkey solutions, and ever-reliable performance.

XELESS has been assisting in projects and missions of Government Agencies, Armed Forces and International Civil Organizations. Our company has been providing a wide variety of services to large military and civil bases, post-conflict construction sites, infrastructure development programs, regions of conflicts and natural or humanitarian disasters.

XELESS not only supplies the necessary building materials, but additionally provides on-site supervision of every project with experienced personnel who have the support of local experts. By involving local workers in each project, XELESS contributes to strengthening the respective regional labor force in the long term.

XELESS has a solid history of working seamlessly with local authorities and community representatives in order to maximize cultural adaptability. In addition, when installing and operating any system, XELESS always works in accordance with stringent German health codes and safety guidelines.

The company’s reputation as a “world class” provider of specialized services has been achieved by our absolute commitment to the service standards required by our large scale military and corporate clients. The result of our product diversification and expansion to new geographical areas has recently resulted in a name change from TOIFOR to XELESS.